
WPF Web Component

Build WPF Web Components using WebView2. Using WebView2 you can leverage web technology in your Wpf app, modernizing it and helping to transition to HTML.

posted in WPF

22 Oct 2024

Building a Custom Configuration Provider for ASP.NET Core

Rotating keys and other scenarios may require a custom configuration provider. This post will show you how you can do this.

posted in .net core

25 May 2022

ASP.NET Core 6 - how to deal with the missing Startup.cs file

In this post, we will examine the new .Net 6.0 minimal templates and how to deal with the missing Startup.cs file in ASP.NET Core. Where do you register your dependent services? How do you configure a middleware pipeline? Where does Authentication/Authorization go in this new template?!!! We will answer these questions.

posted in core

01 Mar 2022

Azure Key Vault

In this post, we will look at how to provision and use Azure Key Vault storage for use with azure services and even how to use it while running locally in your dev environment. This post is a continuation of the "User Secrets" post.

posted in core, user secrets

09 Dec 2021

Easy Deploy to Azure from Visual Studio

Visual Studio makes it easy to deploy your ASP.NET Core application to an Azure App Service with a simple publish button.

posted in core, web development

29 Oct 2021

Safely store app secrets in ASP.NET core

Learn how to safely store app secrets outside of the code and outside of code repositories with user secrets in ASP.NET core and avoid leaked credentials!

posted in aspnet core

21 Oct 2021

Add SQLite DB to ASP.NET Core using EF Core code-first

This post demonstrates wow to add a SQLite DB to an ASP.NET Core application using Entity Framework Core code-first.

posted in core

27 Apr 2021

Web Workload for VS2022 (or VS2019) with Visual Studio Installer

Ensure that you have installed web workload for VS2022 (or VS2019) with the Visual Studio Installer in order to develope ASP.NET Core MVC, Blazor, Razor Pages, API and other project types.

posted in aspnet core

13 Apr 2021

Authentication Part 3, IDaaS & multiple login providers in ASP.NET Core 5

In part 3 we demonstrate how to connect to an IDaaS (Identity as a service - Okta) and how to connect multiple login providers in ASP.NET Core

posted in aspnet core

10 Apr 2021

Authentication  Part 2: The Challenge in ASP.NET Core 5

In part 2 of our Authentication in ASP.NET Core 5.0 series, we examine the Challenge scheme, specifically OpenIdConnect. We implement Google authentication into our application, learn about JWT JSON Web Tokens.

posted in aspnet core

06 Apr 2021

Authentication and Authorization Part 1 in ASP.NET Core 5

Authentication and authorization is one of the more difficult topics in app and web development. People often confuse the two. This article will attempt to provide clarity about this topic.

posted in aspnet core

05 Apr 2021